Who We Are

Corporate Philosophy


A Safer World Originating in Kyoto

We are committed to helping create safer societal conditions through
supply of veterinary vaccines.
We constantly bear this in mind, recognizing that people in Japan and overseas have
put their trust in us.


Animal Well-being Matters

Protecting animals against disease:
We are committed to serving people who seek to improve animal health.
All of us at KYOTOBIKEN work to help reduce suffering and ensure the safety of
both humans and animals.

Code of Conduct

The Three Commitments

These are the judgment criteria that all of our operations must meet.
We implement the following in order to realize our Mission and Vision:

  • Compliance

    We comply with all relevant laws and ordinances, conduct our activities according to approved standards, and strive to be a model for industry and society.
  • Concentration

    We pursue the highest levels of testing, R&D, manufacture, and supply of veterinary vaccines, always with strong awareness of the evolution of veterinary medicine.
  • Collaboration

    We engage in horizontal and vertical collaboration in order to expand and integrate our expertise and technologies as a team.