Message from the President
Animal Well-being Matters

Kyoto Biken Laboratories, Inc.(KYOTOBIKEN)was founded in 1948 as a manufacturer specializing in veterinary vaccines. Since then, in keeping with our Vision “Animal Well-being Matters,” we have contributed to animal health through our dedication to R&D, manufacturing and marketing of veterinary vaccines and diagnostics, and after-sales service.
On January 1, 2020, Sasaeah Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. commenced operations, integrating the respective sales functions of KYOTOBIKEN and Fujita Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Sasaeah Holdings subsequently was formed as a keystone of the Group on January 1, 2022, charged with the new and salient function of overseeing all Group activities.
On March 6, 2024, it was agreed to transfer all shares of Sasaeah Holdings, Co., Ltd. from ORIX Corporation to Virbac, and a stock transfer contract was concluded between the companies.
Building complementary relationships between Virbac and Sasaeah Group is expected to reinforce the stable supply by adding global viewpoints and experiences to the manufacture, quality control and quality assurance. In addition, combination of research and development in respective companies enables supply of products more suited to the market and is expected to provide revolutionary product groups from Japan to the world.
The animal health industry environment in which we operate is changing almost daily, alongside changes in our lifestyles and, in Japan, we are faced with major issues, including both a declining number and aging of livestock farmers and soaring feed prices. A comprehensive approach to preventive hygiene will become increasingly important in order to address the expanding scale of livestock business activities in Japan, and increasing consumption of animal-derived food products due to global population growth.
As a manufacturer responsible for preventive hygiene, we have consistently served customer needs through the development and stable supply of new products with higher efficacy and safety. Going forward, we will do our utmost to contribute to better living based on harmony between human society and animals, inspired by the Sasaeah Group’s mission of providing peace of mind and contentment for all people while recognizing the benefits brought about by animals.